Cactus Gardening

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Cactus 146

Cactus 146
Originally uploaded by azcritter.
Another cactus that I picked up along the way home from work one day that did not have a name on it. Over time it did quite well afternoon AZ sun. However it was not able to handle the bazzar winter weather we have.  Where one day it is 65° and the next day it drops to 45°.

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Cactus 148

Cactus 148
Originally uploaded by azcritter.

Cactus 149

Cactus 149
Originally uploaded by azcritter.

Cactus 151

Cactus 151
Originally uploaded by azcritter.
I don't know the name of this cactus. For two days this flower was open and then gone.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Agave Twin Flowered (geminiflora)

Agave Twin Flowered
Originally uploaded by azcritter.
This is a hardy little plant that requires little water. The species name geminiflora comes from the Latin for "twin flowered", and refers to the fact the flowers are grouped 2 per bracts, along the spike. The mature rosettes bear a narrow 8 to 12 feet tall spike carrying yellow flowers with a hint of red. I haven't seen any flowers on one of this size, but will take a picture when it blooms.

Agave Americana Variegata

Agave Americana Variegata
Originally uploaded by azcritter.
This cactus is small at the time of planting. When the plant matures it will bloom (15 years old) and the flower stalk will measure from 15 to 40 feet with a width of 3 inches. The plant then dies leaving suckers that grow into replacement plants.